Bible Basics 416

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Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." -John 14:6 NIV
Our Mission
Bible Basics Mission: We hope you find this page refreshing and helpful as a seeker of something to fill some type of longing within your heart. Our “mission” simply put is this; to be a place of interesting, informative, and inspiring offerings. We promise to do this by ensuring you that we base all our posts and stories on the “best practices and understandings of the Peace and Love and Redemption that Jesus Christ offers all of humanity. We further hope to inspire you to seriously consider Jesus as Savior and that ultimately you might confess your sins to Him and ask Him to be Lord of your life!

Please understand we are not a charity, we will NEVER ask you for any donations. We are completely self-funded. As a matter of fact, we are more likely to send you a Bible completely free if you ask for one, we will even pay for shipping! We do intend to add a small E-store to this page at some point. So, you may choose to purchase a t-shirt or hat with our logo.
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There is Still Time

One day, after a hard day's work, I napped and was given a vision.

The scenes from my life were vivid and relentless, scrolling through my mind, leaving me restless.

As the vision continued, I realized that I had been quite successful in life. I had accumulated many possessions and had suffered no loss of children or wife. Comfort, possessions, family, friends, and the respect of the world were all mine.

Then, I noticed the one who had promised me a good life, full and satisfying, many years before. But he looked different now, now he was somehow aged and evil.

I found myself standing on the brink of a vast, smoldering pit. The fire was unquenchable, and the smell was horrendous, filled with the souls of many people.

The one whom I had served told me, "It is time; you must jump in."

From the other side of the pit, I heard a still, small voice and saw a figure dressed in a brilliant white robe, hand outstretched.

"There is Still Time," he said. "You now see the lies of your father; your destiny is still yours."

Just then, the one I had followed charged at me, intending to push me over the brink into the only hell I would have ever known.

As I tumbled head over heels into the abyss, I suddenly awoke.

These words scrolled through my mind: "For God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

There had been one reaching out to me that I had ignored as I walked through my life. Oh Lord, I thank You for rescuing me from the father of lies, from my arrogant and prideful heart.

Thank You, Lord, for pursuing me, for Loving me, for Patience and Grace.

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