Several years ago, God illuminated for me the profound gravity of His Son's choice to leave Heaven and become the sacrifice for humanity's sins. Jesus did not view His divine status and eternal union with God the Father as something to be clung to. Fully aware of the impending hardships, He relinquished His celestial throne for the sake of His boundless Agape love for us.

Later, God revealed another aspect to me: the incomprehensible anguish experienced when God the Father had to turn away from His beloved Son, who bore the sins of all humankind. As darkness enveloped the Earth, God severed His vital connection with Jesus. At that moment, Jesus was utterly alone, tainted with the sins of the world, and nearing death. Words fail to capture the sheer horror of that ordeal.

I believed these revelations were the final pieces of the spiritual puzzle—until another moment of clarity arrived. Recently, my wife and I found ourselves in a situation where we had to discipline our daughter. During the punishment, her eyes met mine, as if pleading, "Daddy, please help me. I don't know what to say, and Mommy is punishing me." My heart shattered as I looked away, allowing her to bear the weight of her mistake for her own growth and understanding. It was in that instant that God unveiled His own broken heart to me. He too had to sever His divine connection with Jesus temporarily, to satisfy His just wrath against sin.

We can thank God, praise Him, and sing worship songs, but these actions can never fully express our immense gratitude for what Jesus and God the Father have done for us. No gesture seems sufficient to convey the profound appreciation for the sacrifices made on our behalf.